Greenland, the land of superlatives

The earth’s largest island is also the least densely populated country and contains the world’s largest and most northernly national park. The longest fjord in the world is East Greenland’s Scoresby Sund (Kangertittivaq), a dendritic labyrinth of wilderness over 200 miles long.

Close to ninety percent of Greenlanders are ethnically Inuit, which is the highest proportion by far in any of the Arctic countries.

VistaJet Members can embark on this incredible journey of discovery by expedition yacht, aboard the Nansen Explorer — experiencing every aspect of this vast wilderness. With Nansen’s helicopter capabilities guests can enjoy hours of skiing Greenland’s untracked slopes, her tenders and zodiacs allow for remote landings and remarkably close interactions with wildlife, while continuing to be respectful. Paddle boards and kayaks allow for silent immersion into a landscape punctuated by glaciers and natural floating sculptures of ice and snow.

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